Travel Insurance and Assistance in Europe 2024

Travel Insurance and Assistance in Europe 2024 is part of a report series investigating the market for stand-alone travel insurance and assistance in global markets including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and the USA. Key features of the report series include quantification of the market size across each country, partnerships between insurance providers and distributors such as travel trade, transportation and financial companies, and estimated market shares of the leading travel insurance underwriters in each country. The report series updates and expands Finaccord’s previous studies on the subject and is accompanied by an Excel PartnerBASE dataset that details the travel insurance partnerships of each of the organisations covered, plus a convenient market data annexe, also in Excel format.

Why is this research needed?
International travel and tourism are key elements of the contemporary global economy, but the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted both the travel sector and its associated insurance market, severely interrupting international and domestic travel and changing consumers’ perceptions of the need for travel cover.
The pandemic also disrupted existing distribution relationships: travel trade organisations and airlines went out of business, new online-only competitors emerged, and many organisations reconsidered and revised their travel insurance offerings.
Average policy prices have also risen, in response to increased claims from higher medical fees and higher travel prices, themselves fuelled by a rise in oil prices since 2021.

What has been the impact of these changes?

  • Have leisure and business trips returned to pre-COVID levels?
  • Which countries have been slower to return to growth, and which have seen the most rapid increase?
  • How have travel insurance premiums been affected?
  • Which distribution partners now have the largest market share in each country?
This report series answers all of these questions.
Market shares for travel insurance and assistance in Country A

Chart shows market shares in a sample country
For further information about this research, please access the table of contents and series prospectus using the links on this page.

$10,000.00 USD
+7% GST for Singapore-based customers

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