In addition to its published market research products, Finaccord is also able to offer research-based, tactical consulting services on a worldwide basis. Drawing on the experience of its international team of consultants and working in close partnership with the client, Finaccord delivers accurate, insightful results across a range of topics. Typical areas of consulting work include:
On behalf of an international insurer intent on building its position in the global travel insurance market, Finaccord leveraged its detailed knowledge of this sector to estimate the market shares in travel insurance of competing underwriters at both a global level and within major regions.
Responding to the needs of a leading management consultancy, Finaccord was able to take advantage of its extensive in-house datasets to quantify the shares of both traditional and alternative (including affinity / corporate partner) distribution channels across a range of insurance product types in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK.
Working in tandem with one of the world’s top management consulting firms, Finaccord assisted it with due diligence concerning the Italian market for mobile phone insurance not only by means of its published market and consumer research reports about this subject but also via extensive ‘after-sales’ support in relation to specific questions arising from those reports.
Leveraging its unrivalled understanding of how commercial lines insurance markets segment by industry sector and client size, as well as by product class, Finaccord generated a detailed segmentation of commercial non-life insurance premiums in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK for one of the world’s top insurance groups.
A UK-based non-life insurer was seeking to strengthen its links with key intermediaries by providing intelligence to them in respect of opportunities in specific mid-corporate insurance markets in the UK; Finaccord was able to assist it by generating insights about both particular business sectors and regions.
Quantifying under-researched (or unresearched) insurance segments is one of Finaccord’s core capabilities hence when a regular client approached it with a need to understand the current and future outlook of the market for insurance for retirement communities in the UK, it was able to help it in rapid time by adapting its model of the UK commercial lines insurance sector.
Selected as a result of its long-standing knowledge of finance, insurance, warranty and assistance (F&I) products in the automotive sector, Finaccord delivered a detailed comparison of GAP insurance products offered by leading automotive finance captives in Europe for the benefit of an international insurer with an interest in this sector.
Aware of its expertise in affinity and corporate partner marketing of financial services in the UK, a Spain-based assistance firm selected Finaccord to construct a similar analysis of the Spanish market with coverage of ten insurance and warranty products across a range of distributor categories including airlines, automotive clubs, banking institutions, consumer product manufacturers, online aggregators, retailers and utilities.
Finaccord has more than ten years of experience of designing both single-country and multi-country B2C and B2B surveys covering topics in insurance and other financial services worldwide. We also use a variety of techniques to analyse the results to produce insightful and actionable conclusions. As such, we have built up long-standing expertise in best practice as it applies to survey design and analysis, cognisant of the need to optimise the construction of question and answer options, plus questionnaire routing, in order to generate data that is as accurate and usable as possible. This manifests itself both in our published Consumer Intelligence studies and bespoke surveys commissioned by clients. If you would like Finaccord to assist you with survey design and analysis, please do not hesitate to get in touch on [email protected]
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Finaccord is a market research, publishing and consulting company specialising in insurance and other financial services. Finaccord is part of Aon Global Operations SE Singapore Branch.