Moreover, the market is quantified in terms of total and new business not only in 2018 but also for 2014 and forecast to 2022, thereby illustrating growth trends by region and customer type. In addition, data is provided for the same years and segments for the number of international health insurance policies sold and for the total number of eligible individuals (i.e. including expatriates and students who have not taken out this type of insurance).
Further, total policies in force bought in France itself (and their associated premiums) are split across the same time line between outbound customers, inbound customers and affluent residents.
Finally, the analysis also comprises estimates for the market share of premiums of the leading underwriters of international health insurance in France (with coverage of Allianz Care, AXA, Chubb, Generali Global Health, Groupama Gan Vie, LMDE, Malakoff Médéric Humanis, MetLife, MGEN and Swiss Life plus other smaller competitors), and the most prominent intermediaries of this type of insurance are identified.
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