Impact of COVID-19 on Personal Lines Insurance: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviour in France

This series provides a detailed analysis of consumer attitudes and behaviour regarding personal insurance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic across ten countries in 2020: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the USA.

Governments ordered lockdowns across 2020 and into 2021, which accelerated trends for consumers to use digital interfaces for a vast range of activities, from work, shopping and leisure to medical appointments and religious services. The insurance sector was also profoundly affected by these lockdowns, and had to change the way that it dealt with customers overnight as claims for travel and cancellation insurance came in. The sector suffered reputational damage over business interruption claims, and motorists questioned the value of their policies when they were driving much less. So what are the implications of these changes for insurance providers? 

  • Which digital technologies should insurance providers invest in?
  • Did the sector suffer reputational damage?
  • Will drivers switch to telematics faster as a result of lockdowns?

This report provides analysis in four main areas:

Impact of lockdowns

  • What was the impact of lockdowns in 2020 across each of these ten countries?

Communication with insurers

  • How did consumers communicate with insurance providers when lockdowns made face-to-face communication impossible?
  • In country X, consumers switched to email and phone to contact their insurance provider during lockdowns, instead of face-to-face communication
Chart shows how consumers contacted insurers before and during the pandemic. Phone, email and webchat all rose by 7% to 11%
Frequency of online purchasing of insurance and trends in consumer behaviour
  • Have lockdowns accelerated the shift towards buying online and to telematics insurance?
Reputation and trust
  • Do consumers trust the major tech brands that they have used so much in lockdowns more than their insurance providers?

For further information about this research, please access the table of contents and series prospectus using the relevant links on this page.

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