to benchmark your organisation’s performance in home emergency insurance and assistance: given current uptake in Germany, could your company be selling more of this type of cover?
to understand the different types of home emergency cover that consumers are buying and the latent sales potential as defined by the proportion of consumers that have not yet acquired such cover but that express an interest in doing so;
to evaluate the opportunities for distributing home emergency cover through affinity and corporate partners: to what extent will consumers buy through these means in Germany?
to assess the apparent willingness of consumers to purchase this form of cover online: given the breakdown of online sales by device type, what is the scope for marketing more effectively to this audience?
to identify the customer segments that are most likely to acquire home emergency cover and those that use their policies most often to call for assistance: should these latter groups be charged more for their cover than less demanding customers?
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Finaccord is a market research, publishing and consulting company specialising in insurance and other financial services. Finaccord is part of Aon Global Operations SE Singapore Branch.