Bancassurance in Belgium: Life, Non-Life and Creditor Insurance 2023

This study is about the distribution of 15 types of life, non-life and creditor insurance products through banks and other lending institutions. The research is delivered as an Excel workbook containing an interactive data dashboard and market data tables. The file also contains a PartnerBASE, which includes the full list of banks, the insurance products they offer consumers, the operating models used for this and the insurer partners that they work with.

Why is this research needed?

Bancassurance is a significant distribution channel for many countries, but it can be hard to identify specific opportunities. Top-down, insurers need to know the size of the underlying insurance market and the share of it distributed through banks in order to gauge the potential opportunity. Bottom-up, they need to know which are the main banks and other lending institutions in a country, the size of their customer base, if they already offer insurance products and if so, who their current partner is.
This research addresses all of these questions, which makes it a key resource in planning and executing a bancassurance distribution strategy.

Which countries are featured in this series?        

Studies are available for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK. Overview reports for all these countries are also available for life insurance, non-life insurance and creditor insurance, along with an overview for all products in all countries.

What is the key information provided by this report?

The series offers information on the following:

  • Gross written premiums for life, non-life and creditor insurance, 2017 to 2021
  • Bancassurance distribution channel share for life and personal non-life insurance
  • Provision rates (weighted and unweighted) for insurance products
  • Operating models (weighted and unweighted) used by banks to distribute insurance
  • Insurance providers that have partnerships with banks
  • Underlying consumer loan balances
  • Risks covered by creditor insurance


The chart below shows the provision rate and operating models used to distribute a sample insurance product
Graph shows take up rate and distribution models used to distribute an insurance product.
For further information about this research, please access the table of contents and series prospectus using the links on this page.

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